Selected recent talks
- "The smashing spectrum of a tensor-triangulated category", New directions in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories, 2021.
- "Equivariant homotopy commutativity and the Catalan numbers", British Mathematical Colloquium, University of Glasgow, 2021.
- "Exploring the Balmer spectrum of rational G-spectra", Topology Seminar, University of Bonn, 2021.
- "The dark side of $\mathsf{D}(\text{moon})$", MPIM Topology Seminar, 2020.
- "Fracture theorems for tensor-triangulated categories", Topics in Category Theory in Edinburgh, 2020.
- "Tensor-triangulated geometry", Kent Algebra, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 2020.
- "The module adelic model for a tensor-triangulated category", Warwick Algebraic Topology Seminar, 2020.
- "Reconstructing Tensor-Triangulated Categories", EPFL Topology Seminar, 2019.
- "Equivariant homotopy commutativity and the Catalan numbers", Aberdeen Topology Seminar, 2019.
Recent organisation
- Organiser and grant holder of the 34th British Topology Meeting which took place in September 2019 at the University of Warwick.
- I was a joint organiser of the Equivariant Topology & Derived Algebra conference which took place in July 2019 at NTNU in honour of John Greenlees' 60th birthday.
- I have been an organiser of YaMCATS (Yorkshire and Midlands Category Theory Seminar) since 2017.
- Organiser for the weekly Topology Seminar at the University of Sheffield (2018-2019).
- Lecturer of the 1st year course "Differential Equations" at the University of Warwick (including exam setting and general course administration) (2019).
- Lecturer of the 1st year course "Numbers and Groups" at the University of Sheffield (including exam setting and general course administration) (2019).
- Teaching assistant the the University of Leicester for numerous modules (2015-2017).
- Teaching assistant of a STEP preparation programme (2014-2016).
My collaborators
David Barnes, Daniel Bearup, Richard Garner, John Greenlees, Frank Neumann, Kyle Orsmby, Angelica Osorno, Clélia Pech, Luca Pol, Constanze Roitzheim, Daniel Rust, Greg Stevenson, Jordan Williamson.