The content of this page is concerned with my book "A Handbook of Model Categories".
Bibliography links
Some of the items appearing in the bibliography are links to webpages which may not be permanantly stable, such as blog posts and personal webpages. Below are archived links to the majority of these items.
- [3] Andersen, K., Grodal, J.: A Baues fibration category structure on Banach and $C^*$-algebras (1997)
- [20] Barthel, T., Antolín-Camarena, O.: The nine model category structures on the category of sets
- [45] Beke, T.: How (non-)unique is the choice of cofibrations (2003)
- [96] Cisinski, D.-C.: The mysterious nature of right properness. n-category cafe (2012)
- [110] Dell’Ambrogio, I.: Categories of $C^*$-algebras
- [116] Dugger, D.: Notes on Delta-generated spaces (2003)
- [124] Dwyer, W.G., Hirschhorn, P.S., Kan, D.M.: Model categories and more general abstract homotopy theory (1997)
- [140] Feller, M.: New model structures on simplicial sets (2019)
- [143] Franke, J.: Uniqueness theorems for certain triangulated categories possessing an adams spectral sequence (1996)
- [159] Guillou, B.J.: A short note on models for equivariant homotopy theory (2006)
- [160] Guillou, B.J.: Kan’s $Ex^\infty$ functor (2006)
- [181] Hirschhorn, P.S.: Notes on homotopy colimits and limits (2014)
- [203] Joyal, A.: Lettre d’André Joyal à Alexandre Grothendieck (1984)
- [204] Joyal, A.: Notes on quasi-categories (2008)
- [205] Joyal, A.: Joyal’s CatLab, Model categories
- [206] Joyal, A.: Joyal’s CatLab, Model structutes on Cat
- [224] Lurie, J.: $(\infty, 2)$-categories and the Goodwillie calculus I (2009)
- [226] Lurie, J.: Higher algebra (2017)
- [291] Raptis, G.: A remark on the Strøm model category (2018)
- [293] Rezk, C.: Stuff about quasicategories (2018)
- [296] Rezk, C.: A model category for categories (2010)
- [299] Riehl, E.: Understanding the homotopy coherent nerve. n-category cafe (2010)
- [300] Riehl, E.: A leisurely introduction to simplicial sets (2011)
- [309] Schommer-Pries, C.: The canonical model structure on Cat (2012)
- [315] Schwede, S.: Lectures on equivariant stable homotopy theory (2020)
- [340] Strickland, N.P.: The category of CGWH spaces (2009)
LMS Lecture Series
Lecture notes for the LMS lecture series "Model Categories by Example" held online in November 2020. For each lecture there is a link to the recording along with the PDF of the slides. The "lecture notes" that appear here are formal and should be used to hunt out references of things in the lectures, and are not meant to be understood on their own! Lecture notes genered in part using Gerby.